diff --git a/tools/power/pm-graph/README b/tools/power/pm-graph/README
index afe6beb40ad9..89d0a7dab4bc 100644
--- a/tools/power/pm-graph/README
+++ b/tools/power/pm-graph/README
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    |_|                    |___/          |_|
    pm-graph: suspend/resume/boot timing analysis tools
-    Version: 5.6
+    Version: 5.7
      Author: Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@intel.com>
   Home Page: https://01.org/pm-graph
diff --git a/tools/power/pm-graph/sleepgraph.py b/tools/power/pm-graph/sleepgraph.py
index 602e64b68ba7..46ff97e909c6 100755
--- a/tools/power/pm-graph/sleepgraph.py
+++ b/tools/power/pm-graph/sleepgraph.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def ascii(text):
 #	 store system values and test parameters
 class SystemValues:
 	title = 'SleepGraph'
-	version = '5.6'
+	version = '5.7'
 	ansi = False
 	rs = 0
 	display = ''
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class SystemValues:
 		'suspend_console': {},
 		'acpi_pm_prepare': {},
 		'syscore_suspend': {},
-		'arch_thaw_secondary_cpus_end': {},
+		'arch_enable_nonboot_cpus_end': {},
 		'syscore_resume': {},
 		'acpi_pm_finish': {},
 		'resume_console': {},
@@ -924,10 +924,7 @@ class SystemValues:
 		tp = TestProps()
 		tf = self.openlog(self.ftracefile, 'r')
 		for line in tf:
-			# determine the trace data type (required for further parsing)
-			m = re.match(tp.tracertypefmt, line)
-			if(m):
-				tp.setTracerType(m.group('t'))
+			if tp.stampInfo(line, self):
 			# parse only valid lines, if this is not one move on
 			m = re.match(tp.ftrace_line_fmt, line)
@@ -1244,8 +1241,8 @@ class DevProps:
 		if self.xtraclass:
 			return ' '+self.xtraclass
 		if self.isasync:
-			return ' async_device'
-		return ' sync_device'
+			return ' (async)'
+		return ' (sync)'
 # Class: DeviceNode
 # Description:
@@ -1301,6 +1298,7 @@ class Data:
 		'FAIL'    : r'(?i).*\bFAILED\b.*',
 		'INVALID' : r'(?i).*\bINVALID\b.*',
 		'CRASH'   : r'(?i).*\bCRASHED\b.*',
+		'TIMEOUT' : r'(?i).*\bTIMEOUT\b.*',
 		'IRQ'     : r'.*\bgenirq: .*',
 		'TASKFAIL': r'.*Freezing of tasks *.*',
 		'ACPI'    : r'.*\bACPI *(?P<b>[A-Za-z]*) *Error[: ].*',
@@ -1358,11 +1356,11 @@ class Data:
 			if self.dmesg[p]['order'] == order:
 				return p
 		return ''
-	def lastPhase(self):
+	def lastPhase(self, depth=1):
 		plist = self.sortedPhases()
-		if len(plist) < 1:
+		if len(plist) < depth:
 			return ''
-		return plist[-1]
+		return plist[-1*depth]
 	def turbostatInfo(self):
 		tp = TestProps()
 		out = {'syslpi':'N/A','pkgpc10':'N/A'}
@@ -1382,9 +1380,12 @@ class Data:
 		if len(self.dmesgtext) < 1 and sysvals.dmesgfile:
 			lf = sysvals.openlog(sysvals.dmesgfile, 'r')
 		i = 0
+		tp = TestProps()
 		list = []
 		for line in lf:
 			i += 1
+			if tp.stampInfo(line, sysvals):
+				continue
 			m = re.match('[ \t]*(\[ *)(?P<ktime>[0-9\.]*)(\]) (?P<msg>.*)', line)
 			if not m:
@@ -1400,15 +1401,15 @@ class Data:
 					list.append((msg, err, dir, t, i, i))
 					self.kerror = True
-		msglist = []
+		tp.msglist = []
 		for msg, type, dir, t, idx1, idx2 in list:
-			msglist.append(msg)
+			tp.msglist.append(msg)
 			self.errorinfo[dir].append((type, t, idx1, idx2))
 		if self.kerror:
 			sysvals.dmesglog = True
 		if len(self.dmesgtext) < 1 and sysvals.dmesgfile:
-		return msglist
+		return tp
 	def setStart(self, time, msg=''):
 		self.start = time
 		if msg:
@@ -1623,6 +1624,8 @@ class Data:
 				if('src' in d):
 					for e in d['src']:
 						e.time = self.trimTimeVal(e.time, t0, dT, left)
+						e.end = self.trimTimeVal(e.end, t0, dT, left)
+						e.length = e.end - e.time
 		for dir in ['suspend', 'resume']:
 			list = []
 			for e in self.errorinfo[dir]:
@@ -1640,7 +1643,12 @@ class Data:
 				if tL > 0:
 					left = True if tR > tZero else False
 					self.trimTime(tS, tL, left)
-					self.tLow.append('%.0f'%(tL*1000))
+					if 'trying' in self.dmesg[lp] and self.dmesg[lp]['trying'] >= 0.001:
+						tTry = round(self.dmesg[lp]['trying'] * 1000)
+						text = '%.0f (-%.0f waking)' % (tL * 1000, tTry)
+					else:
+						text = '%.0f' % (tL * 1000)
+					self.tLow.append(text)
 			lp = phase
 	def getMemTime(self):
 		if not self.hwstart or not self.hwend:
@@ -1776,7 +1784,7 @@ class Data:
 		length = -1.0
 		if(start >= 0 and end >= 0):
 			length = end - start
-		if pid == -2:
+		if pid == -2 or name not in sysvals.tracefuncs.keys():
 			i = 2
 			origname = name
 			while(name in list):
@@ -1789,6 +1797,15 @@ class Data:
 		if color:
 			list[name]['color'] = color
 		return name
+	def findDevice(self, phase, name):
+		list = self.dmesg[phase]['list']
+		mydev = ''
+		for devname in sorted(list):
+			if name == devname or re.match('^%s\[(?P<num>[0-9]*)\]$' % name, devname):
+				mydev = devname
+		if mydev:
+			return list[mydev]
+		return False
 	def deviceChildren(self, devname, phase):
 		devlist = []
 		list = self.dmesg[phase]['list']
@@ -2779,6 +2796,7 @@ class TestProps:
 	testerrfmt = '^# enter_sleep_error (?P<e>.*)'
 	sysinfofmt = '^# sysinfo .*'
 	cmdlinefmt = '^# command \| (?P<cmd>.*)'
+	kparamsfmt = '^# kparams \| (?P<kp>.*)'
 	devpropfmt = '# Device Properties: .*'
 	pinfofmt   = '# platform-(?P<val>[a-z,A-Z,0-9]*): (?P<info>.*)'
 	tracertypefmt = '# tracer: (?P<t>.*)'
@@ -2790,8 +2808,9 @@ class TestProps:
 		'[ +!#\*@$]*(?P<dur>[0-9\.]*) .*\|  (?P<msg>.*)'
 	ftrace_line_fmt_nop = \
 		' *(?P<proc>.*)-(?P<pid>[0-9]*) *\[(?P<cpu>[0-9]*)\] *'+\
-		'(?P<flags>.{4}) *(?P<time>[0-9\.]*): *'+\
+		'(?P<flags>\S*) *(?P<time>[0-9\.]*): *'+\
+	machinesuspend = 'machine_suspend\[.*'
 	def __init__(self):
 		self.stamp = ''
 		self.sysinfo = ''
@@ -2812,16 +2831,13 @@ class TestProps:
 			self.ftrace_line_fmt = self.ftrace_line_fmt_nop
 			doError('Invalid tracer format: [%s]' % tracer)
-	def stampInfo(self, line):
+	def stampInfo(self, line, sv):
 		if re.match(self.stampfmt, line):
 			self.stamp = line
 			return True
 		elif re.match(self.sysinfofmt, line):
 			self.sysinfo = line
 			return True
-		elif re.match(self.cmdlinefmt, line):
-			self.cmdline = line
-			return True
 		elif re.match(self.tstatfmt, line):
 			return True
@@ -2834,6 +2850,20 @@ class TestProps:
 		elif re.match(self.firmwarefmt, line):
 			return True
+		elif(re.match(self.devpropfmt, line)):
+			self.parseDevprops(line, sv)
+			return True
+		elif(re.match(self.pinfofmt, line)):
+			self.parsePlatformInfo(line, sv)
+			return True
+		m = re.match(self.cmdlinefmt, line)
+		if m:
+			self.cmdline = m.group('cmd')
+			return True
+		m = re.match(self.tracertypefmt, line)
+		if(m):
+			self.setTracerType(m.group('t'))
+			return True
 		return False
 	def parseStamp(self, data, sv):
 		# global test data
@@ -2858,9 +2888,13 @@ class TestProps:
 				data.stamp[key] = val
 		sv.hostname = data.stamp['host']
 		sv.suspendmode = data.stamp['mode']
+		if sv.suspendmode == 'freeze':
+			self.machinesuspend = 'timekeeping_freeze\[.*'
+		else:
+			self.machinesuspend = 'machine_suspend\[.*'
 		if sv.suspendmode == 'command' and sv.ftracefile != '':
 			modes = ['on', 'freeze', 'standby', 'mem', 'disk']
-			fp = sysvals.openlog(sv.ftracefile, 'r')
+			fp = sv.openlog(sv.ftracefile, 'r')
 			for line in fp:
 				m = re.match('.* machine_suspend\[(?P<mode>.*)\]', line)
 				if m and m.group('mode') in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
@@ -2868,9 +2902,7 @@ class TestProps:
 					data.stamp['mode'] = sv.suspendmode
-		m = re.match(self.cmdlinefmt, self.cmdline)
-		if m:
-			sv.cmdline = m.group('cmd')
+		sv.cmdline = self.cmdline
 		if not sv.stamp:
 			sv.stamp = data.stamp
 		# firmware data
@@ -3052,20 +3084,7 @@ def appendIncompleteTraceLog(testruns):
 	for line in tf:
 		# remove any latent carriage returns
 		line = line.replace('\r\n', '')
-		if tp.stampInfo(line):
-			continue
-		# determine the trace data type (required for further parsing)
-		m = re.match(tp.tracertypefmt, line)
-		if(m):
-			tp.setTracerType(m.group('t'))
-			continue
-		# device properties line
-		if(re.match(tp.devpropfmt, line)):
-			tp.parseDevprops(line, sysvals)
-			continue
-		# platform info line
-		if(re.match(tp.pinfofmt, line)):
-			tp.parsePlatformInfo(line, sysvals)
+		if tp.stampInfo(line, sysvals):
 		# parse only valid lines, if this is not one move on
 		m = re.match(tp.ftrace_line_fmt, line)
@@ -3166,33 +3185,19 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 	if sysvals.usekprobes:
 		tracewatch += ['sync_filesystems', 'freeze_processes', 'syscore_suspend',
 			'syscore_resume', 'resume_console', 'thaw_processes', 'CPU_ON',
-			'CPU_OFF', 'timekeeping_freeze', 'acpi_suspend']
+			'CPU_OFF', 'acpi_suspend']
 	# extract the callgraph and traceevent data
+	s2idle_enter = hwsus = False
 	tp = TestProps()
-	testruns = []
-	testdata = []
-	testrun = 0
-	data, limbo = 0, True
+	testruns, testdata = [], []
+	testrun, data, limbo = 0, 0, True
 	tf = sysvals.openlog(sysvals.ftracefile, 'r')
 	phase = 'suspend_prepare'
 	for line in tf:
 		# remove any latent carriage returns
 		line = line.replace('\r\n', '')
-		if tp.stampInfo(line):
-			continue
-		# tracer type line: determine the trace data type
-		m = re.match(tp.tracertypefmt, line)
-		if(m):
-			tp.setTracerType(m.group('t'))
-			continue
-		# device properties line
-		if(re.match(tp.devpropfmt, line)):
-			tp.parseDevprops(line, sysvals)
-			continue
-		# platform info line
-		if(re.match(tp.pinfofmt, line)):
-			tp.parsePlatformInfo(line, sysvals)
+		if tp.stampInfo(line, sysvals):
 		# ignore all other commented lines
 		if line[0] == '#':
@@ -3303,16 +3308,29 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 					phase = data.setPhase('suspend_noirq', t.time, isbegin)
 				# suspend_machine/resume_machine
-				elif(re.match('machine_suspend\[.*', t.name)):
+				elif(re.match(tp.machinesuspend, t.name)):
+					lp = data.lastPhase()
-						lp = data.lastPhase()
+						hwsus = True
 						if lp.startswith('resume_machine'):
-							data.dmesg[lp]['end'] = t.time
+							# trim out s2idle loops, track time trying to freeze
+							llp = data.lastPhase(2)
+							if llp.startswith('suspend_machine'):
+								if 'trying' not in data.dmesg[llp]:
+									data.dmesg[llp]['trying'] = 0
+								data.dmesg[llp]['trying'] += \
+									t.time - data.dmesg[lp]['start']
+							data.currphase = ''
+							del data.dmesg[lp]
+							continue
 						phase = data.setPhase('suspend_machine', data.dmesg[lp]['end'], True)
 						data.setPhase(phase, t.time, False)
 						if data.tSuspended == 0:
 							data.tSuspended = t.time
+						if lp.startswith('resume_machine'):
+							data.dmesg[lp]['end'] = t.time
+							continue
 						phase = data.setPhase('resume_machine', t.time, True)
 						if(sysvals.suspendmode in ['mem', 'disk']):
 							susp = phase.replace('resume', 'suspend')
@@ -3343,6 +3361,19 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 				# global events (outside device calls) are graphed
 				if(name not in testrun.ttemp):
 					testrun.ttemp[name] = []
+				# special handling for s2idle_enter
+				if name == 'machine_suspend':
+					if hwsus:
+						s2idle_enter = hwsus = False
+					elif s2idle_enter and not isbegin:
+						if(len(testrun.ttemp[name]) > 0):
+							testrun.ttemp[name][-1]['end'] = t.time
+							testrun.ttemp[name][-1]['loop'] += 1
+					elif not s2idle_enter and isbegin:
+						s2idle_enter = True
+						testrun.ttemp[name].append({'begin': t.time,
+							'end': t.time, 'pid': pid, 'loop': 0})
+					continue
 					# create a new list entry
@@ -3374,9 +3405,8 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 				if(not m):
 				n = m.group('d')
-				list = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
-				if(n in list):
-					dev = list[n]
+				dev = data.findDevice(phase, n)
+				if dev:
 					dev['length'] = t.time - dev['start']
 					dev['end'] = t.time
 		# kprobe event processing
@@ -3479,7 +3509,12 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 			# add actual trace funcs
 			for name in sorted(test.ttemp):
 				for event in test.ttemp[name]:
-					data.newActionGlobal(name, event['begin'], event['end'], event['pid'])
+					if event['end'] - event['begin'] <= 0:
+						continue
+					title = name
+					if name == 'machine_suspend' and 'loop' in event:
+						title = 's2idle_enter_%dx' % event['loop']
+					data.newActionGlobal(title, event['begin'], event['end'], event['pid'])
 			# add the kprobe based virtual tracefuncs as actual devices
 			for key in sorted(tp.ktemp):
 				name, pid = key
@@ -3548,8 +3583,9 @@ def parseTraceLog(live=False):
 		for p in sorted(phasedef, key=lambda k:phasedef[k]['order']):
 			if p not in data.dmesg:
 				if not terr:
-					pprint('TEST%s FAILED: %s failed in %s phase' % (tn, sysvals.suspendmode, lp))
-					terr = '%s%s failed in %s phase' % (sysvals.suspendmode, tn, lp)
+					ph = p if 'machine' in p else lp
+					terr = '%s%s failed in %s phase' % (sysvals.suspendmode, tn, ph)
+					pprint('TEST%s FAILED: %s' % (tn, terr))
 					if data.tSuspended == 0:
 						data.tSuspended = data.dmesg[lp]['end']
@@ -3611,7 +3647,7 @@ def loadKernelLog():
 		idx = line.find('[')
 		if idx > 1:
 			line = line[idx:]
-		if tp.stampInfo(line):
+		if tp.stampInfo(line, sysvals):
 		m = re.match('[ \t]*(\[ *)(?P<ktime>[0-9\.]*)(\]) (?P<msg>.*)', line)
 		if(not m):
@@ -3959,18 +3995,20 @@ def addCallgraphs(sv, hf, data):
 		if sv.cgphase and p != sv.cgphase:
 		list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
-		for devname in data.sortedDevices(p):
-			if len(sv.cgfilter) > 0 and devname not in sv.cgfilter:
+		for d in data.sortedDevices(p):
+			if len(sv.cgfilter) > 0 and d not in sv.cgfilter:
-			dev = list[devname]
+			dev = list[d]
 			color = 'white'
 			if 'color' in data.dmesg[p]:
 				color = data.dmesg[p]['color']
 			if 'color' in dev:
 				color = dev['color']
-			name = devname
-			if(devname in sv.devprops):
-				name = sv.devprops[devname].altName(devname)
+			name = d if '[' not in d else d.split('[')[0]
+			if(d in sv.devprops):
+				name = sv.devprops[d].altName(d)
+			if 'drv' in dev and dev['drv']:
+				name += ' {%s}' % dev['drv']
 			if sv.suspendmode in suspendmodename:
 				name += ' '+p
 			if('ftrace' in dev):
@@ -4517,12 +4555,9 @@ def createHTML(testruns, testfail):
 				# draw the devices for this phase
 				phaselist = data.dmesg[b]['list']
 				for d in sorted(data.tdevlist[b]):
-					name = d
-					drv = ''
-					dev = phaselist[d]
-					xtraclass = ''
-					xtrainfo = ''
-					xtrastyle = ''
+					dname = d if '[' not in d else d.split('[')[0]
+					name, dev = dname, phaselist[d]
+					drv = xtraclass = xtrainfo = xtrastyle = ''
 					if 'htmlclass' in dev:
 						xtraclass = dev['htmlclass']
 					if 'color' in dev:
@@ -4553,7 +4588,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns, testfail):
 						title += b
 					devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(dev['id'], \
 						title, left, top, '%.3f'%rowheight, width, \
-						d+drv, xtraclass, xtrastyle)
+						dname+drv, xtraclass, xtrastyle)
 					if('cpuexec' in dev):
 						for t in sorted(dev['cpuexec']):
 							start, end = t
@@ -4571,6 +4606,8 @@ def createHTML(testruns, testfail):
 					# draw any trace events for this device
 					for e in dev['src']:
+						if e.length == 0:
+							continue
 						height = '%.3f' % devtl.rowH
 						top = '%.3f' % (rowtop + devtl.scaleH + (e.row*devtl.rowH))
 						left = '%f' % (((e.time-m0)*100)/mTotal)
@@ -5876,7 +5913,7 @@ def getArgFloat(name, args, min, max, main=True):
 def processData(live=False, quiet=False):
 	if not quiet:
-		pprint('PROCESSING DATA')
+		pprint('PROCESSING: %s' % sysvals.htmlfile)
 	sysvals.vprint('usetraceevents=%s, usetracemarkers=%s, usekprobes=%s' % \
 		(sysvals.usetraceevents, sysvals.usetracemarkers, sysvals.usekprobes))
 	error = ''
@@ -5928,7 +5965,7 @@ def processData(live=False, quiet=False):
 	sysvals.vprint('Creating the html timeline (%s)...' % sysvals.htmlfile)
 	createHTML(testruns, error)
 	if not quiet:
-		pprint('DONE')
+		pprint('DONE:       %s' % sysvals.htmlfile)
 	data = testruns[0]
 	stamp = data.stamp
 	stamp['suspend'], stamp['resume'] = data.getTimeValues()
@@ -5984,25 +6021,27 @@ def runTest(n=0, quiet=False):
 	return 0
 def find_in_html(html, start, end, firstonly=True):
-	n, cnt, out = 0, len(html), []
-	while n < cnt:
-		e = cnt if (n + 10000 > cnt or n == 0) else n + 10000
-		m = re.search(start, html[n:e])
+	cnt, out, list = len(html), [], []
+	if firstonly:
+		m = re.search(start, html)
+		if m:
+			list.append(m)
+	else:
+		list = re.finditer(start, html)
+	for match in list:
+		s = match.end()
+		e = cnt if (len(out) < 1 or s + 10000 > cnt) else s + 10000
+		m = re.search(end, html[s:e])
 		if not m:
-		i = m.end()
-		m = re.search(end, html[n+i:e])
-		if not m:
-			break
-		j = m.start()
-		str = html[n+i:n+i+j]
+		e = s + m.start()
+		str = html[s:e]
 		if end == 'ms':
 			num = re.search(r'[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+', str)
 			str = num.group() if num else 'NaN'
 		if firstonly:
 			return str
-		n += i+j
 	if firstonly:
 		return ''
 	return out
@@ -6034,7 +6073,7 @@ def data_from_html(file, outpath, issues, fulldetail=False):
 		result = 'pass'
 	# extract error info
-	ilist = []
+	tp, ilist = False, []
 	extra = dict()
 	log = find_in_html(html, '<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">',
@@ -6042,8 +6081,8 @@ def data_from_html(file, outpath, issues, fulldetail=False):
 		d = Data(0)
 		d.end = 999999999
 		d.dmesgtext = log.split('\n')
-		msglist = d.extractErrorInfo()
-		for msg in msglist:
+		tp = d.extractErrorInfo()
+		for msg in tp.msglist:
 			sysvals.errorSummary(issues, msg)
 		if stmp[2] == 'freeze':
 			extra = d.turbostatInfo()
@@ -6059,8 +6098,8 @@ def data_from_html(file, outpath, issues, fulldetail=False):
 	if wifi:
 		extra['wifi'] = wifi
 	low = find_in_html(html, 'freeze time: <b>', ' ms</b>')
-	if low and '|' in low:
-		issue = 'FREEZEx%d' % len(low.split('|'))
+	if low and 'waking' in low:
+		issue = 'FREEZEWAKE'
 		match = [i for i in issues if i['match'] == issue]
 		if len(match) > 0:
 			match[0]['count'] += 1
@@ -6126,6 +6165,11 @@ def data_from_html(file, outpath, issues, fulldetail=False):
 		data[key] = extra[key]
 	if fulldetail:
 		data['funclist'] = find_in_html(html, '<div title="', '" class="traceevent"', False)
+	if tp:
+		for arg in ['-multi ', '-info ']:
+			if arg in tp.cmdline:
+				data['target'] = tp.cmdline[tp.cmdline.find(arg):].split()[1]
+				break
 	return data
 def genHtml(subdir, force=False):
@@ -6155,8 +6199,7 @@ def runSummary(subdir, local=True, genhtml=False):
 	pprint('Generating a summary of folder:\n   %s' % inpath)
 	if genhtml:
-	issues = []
-	testruns = []
+	target, issues, testruns = '', [], []
 	desc = {'host':[],'mode':[],'kernel':[]}
 	for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir):
 		for filename in filenames:
@@ -6165,6 +6208,8 @@ def runSummary(subdir, local=True, genhtml=False):
 			data = data_from_html(os.path.join(dirname, filename), outpath, issues)
 			if(not data):
+			if 'target' in data:
+				target = data['target']
 			for key in desc:
 				if data[key] not in desc[key]:
@@ -6172,6 +6217,8 @@ def runSummary(subdir, local=True, genhtml=False):
 	pprint('Summary files:')
 	if len(desc['host']) == len(desc['mode']) == len(desc['kernel']) == 1:
 		title = '%s %s %s' % (desc['host'][0], desc['kernel'][0], desc['mode'][0])
+		if target:
+			title += ' %s' % target
 		title = inpath
 	createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, os.path.join(outpath, 'summary.html'), title)