# introduce to build kernel easily. check this project at same level to the "./tmp_kernel_5.15/" will be nice. source folder and cross-compiler sets in 'package.config' ## package.config ```bash CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu- FOLDER_NAME=build_none CONFIG_NAME=std_config CORES=8 SRC=../tmp_kernel_5.15/ RAM_ROOTFS=rootfs.tar.gz ``` # command - Makefile : Eeasily command shortcut. - make: build new kernel and uimage, dts - make c: build new kernel only - make menu: open menuconfig - make ubonly: use previous built kernel, and build new dts, uimage - make deb: build new deb format kernel - make ram: build new kernel, dts, uimage and initrd.img - build_kernel.sh : build kernel - build_kernel.sh c: compile only - build_kernel.sh debs: make debs packages - build_kernel.sh menu: open menuconfig - build_kernel.sh: just likke 'make targz-pkg' - build.sh : build boot.img - build.sh:build a kernel-only img file; - build.sh 1: build a ramdisk img file; - build.sh 1 1:build a ramdisk img file with modules update - copy.sh : copy all img file to /tftpboot/ - package.config : config how to pack your image