2. Some files are generated from other files. They should be committed into the repository for this package to be go-gettable. Run `go generate ./...` to regenerate them in case you modified the source.
3. Always format the code with `goimports` before committing. Run `go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports` to install `goimports`, and `goimports -w .` to format all golang sources.
Git will then always run `goimports` for you before committing, since `.gitattributes` in this repository refers to this filter. More about Git attributes and filters [here](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitattributes.html).
If you are making significant changes or any user-visible changes (e.g. changes to the language, the UI or the elv script API), please discuss on the developer channel before starting to work.